If you are investing in early stage companies in emerging markets (not just Africa) Ola Brown, MFR []’ about investing in Africa!
The core message is pretty simple: The vast majority of people in Africa are living on less than USD 5,000 per year. This is where the big market is, but if you want them to pay for your product you are competing with their food budget – 60% to 80% of their income goes to food. The story is similar in almost all emerging markets except for a handful that are approaching middle income status.
This is why Reflect Ventures [] invests in core foundational industries in emerging markets like warehousing, trucking, supply chains for essential products, etc. We are investing in companies that bring food, clothing, construction materials, medicines, etc. to consumers. These companies do not compete with necessities for the consumer dollar. They reduce the cost of getting necessities to consumers and get paid for doing so.
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